Class Locations

Join us for intimate yoga classes tailored to your needs, fostering personal growth and well-being in a supportive environment. Early Bird Hatha and Vinyasa classes.


St Peters Rd Molesey KT8 2QE


5:45 AM - 8:00AM. Early Bird Classes

8:30AM -7:00PM. Private Classes

Several people are participating in an outdoor yoga class, performing what appears to be a forward bend pose. The setting is bright with a natural background, likely near a park or body of water. Participants are using yoga mats, and they are dressed in athletic wear.
Several people are participating in an outdoor yoga class, performing what appears to be a forward bend pose. The setting is bright with a natural background, likely near a park or body of water. Participants are using yoga mats, and they are dressed in athletic wear.


Small group sessions for personalised yoga practice and growth.

Early Bird Hatha Yoga: 5:45 - 6:45AM Mon, Wed and Friday.

Early Bird Vinyasa: 7:00 - 8:00AM Mon, Wed and Friday.

Private Classes 8:30 - 7:30 PM Monday - Friday

A person practices yoga indoors, performing a lunge pose on a mat in front of a large window. The room has a spacious and open feel, with city buildings visible in the background through the window.
A person practices yoga indoors, performing a lunge pose on a mat in front of a large window. The room has a spacious and open feel, with city buildings visible in the background through the window.
A person with tattoos is practicing yoga indoors, sitting on a mat with yoga blocks for support. The individual is dressed in athletic attire and appears focused and calm. Exercise equipment is visible in the background.
A person with tattoos is practicing yoga indoors, sitting on a mat with yoga blocks for support. The individual is dressed in athletic attire and appears focused and calm. Exercise equipment is visible in the background.